Gospel Gleanings
Join us live on Facebook for an in-depth daily Bible Study.
Or click on the links below to find out more and see our video archives.
What is Gospel Gleanings?
Monday - Thursday. 9 a.m.
Join us live on Facebook!
Gospel Gleanings is an in-depth Bible study that Pastor Mike began in response to the isolation we all felt from the COVID-19 social distancing in 2020. It allowed us a way to stay connected, fellowship, and study God's Word together. What was meant to be a temporary solution, however, became a cherished time of learning for all who have joined in these daily studies.
The Lord has used these studies to bring us all together. At a time when we were supposed to feel distanced from one another, God brought us closer to one another, and most importantly, close to Him. Each day we truly glean gospel beauty as we learn and listen for what God has to say to us each day.
We hope you will join us and say hello on Facebook where the lesson is streamed live Monday through Friday at 9 am PST.
We have gone through quite a few books of the Bible at this point, and all of the videos, along with the Sunday Sermons, and Wednesday Night “Praying Like Jesus” series are catalogued into playlists on our YouTube Channel.
For the Gospel Gleaning series, you will find links to those playlists by clicking the links below. There are two lists, the first is for the various Books of the Bible we've covered, and the second is the Specialty Series.
If you have any questions, or have a request of which Book you’d like Pastor to teach on next, he’d love to hear from you, so feel free to email him at PastorMike@Hallbbc.org.