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Sunset in the Forest


Presenting Christ to Man, that we might present Man to Christ

We are a fellowship of believers who have voluntarily banded together for worship, growth, service, and mission. We have Christ as our head and the Bible as our sole source of authority. The government of this church is vested in the body of believers who compose its membership. As a congregation, we act in the light of Scriptures under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We are an autonomous body of believers that are not under the control of any other ecclesiastical body. We have associated ourselves nationally with the Southern Baptist Convention, regionally with the Northwest Baptist Convention, & locally with the Interstate Baptist Association.


Our fellowship started in 1976 and grew from a vision of the leadership of the Northwest Baptist Convention under the leadership of Dan Stringer who was the Executive Director at the time. Metropolitan Baptist Church joined the vision and became the sponsoring church within the Interstate Baptist Association.


Since its inception, Hall Blvd has had five pastors. Two of these men served as mission pastors who helped plant and establish the church; they were John Green and Merrell Floyd. From 1980 to 1985 Joel Harris was our pastor. He left to reenter the Army where he spent the rest of his career as an Army Chaplain serving under the authority of the North American Mission Board. In 1986, Wayne Glazner was called as pastor and served faithfully for three years then moved on to another assignment. In 1990, Pastor Michael (Mike) Ruptak was called to lead the church. He, along with a strong leadership team made up of our Deacons and other team leaders seek to lead this fellowship to follow in the steps of our Master, Jesus Christ.


If you are looking for a church family to call your own or just somewhere to visit, we would love to see you at any of our available services:

Sunday Bible Study - 9:45 AM
Sunday Worship Service - 11:00 AM


Monday - Thursday - Gospel Gleanings - 9:00 AM
Wednesday Evening - Praying Like Jesus - 6:00 PM

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